Nominated for a 2014 Primetime Emmy® for Outstanding Drama Series, Mad Men: The Final Season - Part 1 is set in the captivating world of 1960s New York and continues to follow iconic ad man Don Draper, his colleagues and his family, as viewers get a glimpse at how the renowned television series will end.
The 2-disc Blu-ray and 3-disc DVD sets are packed with bonus materials, including audio commentaries and numerous featurettes including "The Trial of the Chicago Eight: Parts One and Two," "Gay Rights" and "Gay Power", and a Blu-ray exclusive interactive timeline "Technology: 1969." Mad Men: The Final Season - Part 1 contains seven episodes andwill be available on Blu-ray and DVD for the suggested retail price of $39.97 and $39.98, respectively.
- Audio Commentaries for each episode with Matthew Weiner and Select Cast and Crew
- "The Trial of the Chicago Eight: Part One" featurette
- "The Trial of the Chicago Eight: Part Two" featurette
- "Gay Rights" featurette
- "Gay Power" featurette
- "Technology: 1969" Interactive Timeline (Blu-ray exclusive)