“Ash vs Evil Dead”
October 27, 2015
Yesterday I was honored to participate in a conference call courtesy of STARZ Entertainment, which will be premiering the new original series Ash VS. Evil Dead on Halloween, October 31, 2015 at 9pm (ET/PT), and stars Bruce Campbell. While this was the third time I got to interview Mr. Campbell, the reality with anything related to Evil Dead is that there is a large global fanbase out there that has been asking for the franchise to return for more than two decades. Thus with only an hour of time allotted, many journalists were permitted, but few could ask more than one question. I was lucky to ask him a two-part question. Still Mr. Campbell was gracious and honest in his answers and while others beat me to many questions I wanted to ask, Mr. Campbell pretty much answered everything and more regarding the new series and the franchise as a whole. So rather than write an article and filter other people’s questions as well as Mr. Campbell’s answers, I think it would be better to share the entire transcript of the conference call interview as something I participated in. Big thanks to Mr. Campbell and the Publicists at Starz for this excellent opportunity and experience.
Coordinator:Welcome and thank you for standing by. At this point, all participants are on listen only line until question and answer session of today's conference call.
(Moderator):Thank you everyone for joining for the Ash vs. Evil Dead conference call with Bruce Campbell. The new series on STARZ premieres this Saturday Halloween at 9 pm ET. Due to a large amount of journalists that have registered for the call today, we're limiting questions to one per outlet to begin with. A transcript will be provided post the call. We will do our best to cycle through as many questions as possible. So without further ado, please welcome Bruce Campbell.
(Bruce Campbell):Good morning, everyone. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.
Coordinator:Our first question is coming from the line of (Mr. Eric).
(Bruce Campbell):Good morning.
Coordinator:One moment please until we get (Mr. Eric)'s line open. (Mr. Eric), your line is now open.
(Mr. Eric):Okay. Hi, (Bruce). How are you today?
(Bruce Campbell):Good, sir. Thank you.
(Mr. Eric):All right. So I guess I have to ask, you know, what was it like to playing Ash again after so much time and is (Sam) still torturing you the way he did when you guys were growing up?
(Bruce Campbell):The answer is good and yes. I mean it's great to get back to this character. It's probably the most fun character there is to play. Now we can use all of our experience to barrier on this character again and flesh him out even more. And, yes, (Sam) is just as cruel as he always is.
(Mr. Eric):But you guys are still having fun; yes?
(Bruce Campbell):Yes, pretty much.
(Mr. Eric):Well done. How does it feel putting the chainsaw back on and slightly skin?
(Bruce Campbell):It reminded me of how much I hate fake blood. That hatred it runs deep. It runs really deep. It's one of my least favorite things is adhesive, surgical adhesive and they had to use that for appliances, make up appliances and, yes, fake blood. Because it's chronic. It gets everywhere.
(Woman 1):And is there a connection between the Evil Dead 2013, I know you had a cameo in.
(Bruce Campbell):No connection whatsoever. That was a director who had a whim, who goes I have this great idea. It has nothing to do with anything but I want to do it. I was like, yes, whatever. So, no, no connection whatsoever.
Coordinator:Our next questions will come from the line from (Mr. Christopher Hermanez). Once again to ask your questions that will be Star and then 1. (Christopher Hermanez), the line is open.
(Bruce Campbell):Good morning, sir. How are you?
(Christopher Hermanez):I'm well. How are you doing?
(Bruce Campbell):Good.
(Christopher Hermanez):I was wondering now you said in the past that the video games that had come out for Play Station were Evil Dead sequels and we should look at them that way. Will any of those story lines be referenced or did you use them for any personal reference inside your head?
(Bruce Campbell):I'm glad I'm not running for office because guys like you would dig up crap I said randomly 16 years ago. So that's why I'm not a politician. Because to you I could say that was bologna I made up at the time. Okay. I lied. You got? I lied. So now we move onto the truth. And the truth is I'm glad we had something to finally show fans where I'm not put on the spot all the time to try to make crap up. You know I'm attracted to bombs. We got to clarify that. The bombs. The last three bombed, they were the most expensive. They were too expensive. They didn't make any money. So people began to think we were lazy or we didn't want to go back to it. I got news for you, pal, there's no money in the bank for it. You're not making anything if there's no money. So it's just the raw truth of it. Thankfully, the fans have stepped up through all the DVD reissues. There were 86 versions of Army of Darkness after that. It became an American movie classic, you know, on AMC. And so fans drove it. And they drove it at these personal appearances by tour since '88. They haven't let it go. So they finally got it. So regardless of what I said, when I said or how I said it, we're here. And it's a good day.
(Christopher Hermanez):Thank you.
Coordinator:Our next question will come from the line of Ms. (Krisha Plalica). Once again to ask questions, press Star then 1. Ma'am, your line is now open.
(Krisha Plalica):Great. Okay, Bruce. You've done so much with this character. What are you looking forward to doing with him now that you have all this experience and the opportunity to do it?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, you know, people have only seen four and a half hours worth of Ash. In this first season alone, we're going to do five new hours of Ash. So I'm actually looking forward to finally seeing who Ash is going to interact with other people now. He has to be a leader. So it's a slightly different story in that the character has to evolve. The story has to get bigger. And I'm looking forward to that so that I can take enough time to finally be with Ash. The other movies, you know, I had a week that went by without any dialogue. Like shooting, Evil Dead 2 got trapped in the cabin. So its Ash getting out in the wild, you know, getting into suburbia. So that's the fun thing to do is interact with other people.
Coordinator:Our next question will come from the line of Mr. (Travis Dale). Sir, your line is now open.
(Travis Dale):(Bruce), good morning.
(Bruce Campbell):Good morning.
(Travis Dale):You just mentioned how much of a bomb Army of Darkness was. And I was curious because nothing from Army of Darkness was mentioned in the theme of Pablo explaining the Evil Dead to them. Is that intentional? Are you guys not going to reference any events to that movie in the series?
(Bruce Campbell):Correct.
(Travis Dale):Correct like you're skipping it over it? It's not cannon anymore. Or he's not going to be going back to the other world?
(Bruce Campbell):Correct in that that's not material that we can do legally so we're not going to do it. It's a whole complicated bunch of legal mambo jumbo that's not even worth going into. The three movies were made by three different companies. So that should tell you call your uncle the lawyer and talk to him about it. He'll laugh. He'll go really three movies, three companies and you want to make a TV show. This should be fun. So it's very complicated to put together. And I'm just really grateful that it all worked out. Here we are. But it means there are things we can include, things we can't. But, you know, everything that Ash needed was in the first two movies anyway. Anything he ever used so it's all good.
Coordinator:Our next question will come from (Cinnamon Vokrow). Your line is now open.
(Cinnamon Vokrow):Hey, how are you doing?
(Bruce Campbell):Greetings.
(Cinnamon Vokrow):Okay. So we have shows like Softland that have gotten cancelled and then picked up by other shows or I mean by other stations and then the ratings have gone through the roof. And then you have shows like The Walking Dead that have got turned away by other stations and then picked up and then the ratings have gone through the roof. So how does STARZ think handle like this?
(Bruce Campbell):They had what we needed. They gave the budget we were looking for and they gave us the leeway we were looking for and they give us unrestricted content that those movies demand. So they were really -- out of the suitors that we had -- they were actually the only company that I'm aware out there that could give us that criteria and that did it. That sealed the deal right there. And, you know, look these guys are growing as a company.
I like being part of companies that are growing and expanding rather than shrinking and contracting. And they're willing to stay on the cutting edge. And they want to do shows that people not only like but they like a lot. And I think we provided something like that for them and I think we're attracted to them because this show can actually play around the world. Not all TVs can. We started overseas and in the UK and then spread over the world. It makes - I think we're good partners. I think we're good for each other.
Coordinator:Our next question will come from the line. There is a (Tony Simms). Go ahead, sir.
(Tony Simms):Hi, (Bruce). I got a chance to check out the pilot. It's fantastic.
(Bruce Campbell):It's the subtly, you know.
(Tony Simms):The one thing the Army of Darkness, he stole my thunder on that one. But I do have another question concerning the Easter Eggs in hidden things. Should we be looking more than just Oldsmobile's, the '73 Delta 88.
(Bruce Campbell):Well, it's not even like we're hiding anything. You know we are bringing back all that stuff. The problem is, you know, it's a lot of Michigan stuff mostly. It's Michigan Easter Eggs. There's Michigan State University, Camp Chappaqua, the place where (Sam) went to camp, Faygo Red pop, Coney Island, you know, like chili dogs that everybody eats in Michigan. And it takes place in Michigan. So, yes, there's tons of Easter Eggs. There's no question about it. You'll see them in the show. We don't hide them. The '72 Delta 88 is the same car that's been in all the movies. It's the exact car. It's not a different car which is pretty incredible. We had it put on a boat and shipped to New Zealand.
Coordinator:Our next question will come from the line of Mr. (Mike Davis). The line is now open, sir.
(Mike Davis):Yes, hi, (Bruce). How are you?
(Bruce Campbell):Good. Thank you.
(Mike Davis):Evil Dead was inspired by part I think it said at least in part by (Sam Raimi's) interest in H.P. Lovecraft. You guys grew up together I believe. Were you also a fan of Lovecraft when you were growing up as he was?
(Bruce Campbell):No, I didn't give a rat's ass about Lovecraft. I read lots of Spiderman comics. I read a comic called Sad Sack. It was a silly, farmy comedy comic. So that was me. I didn't really get into that. You know we didn't get into horror until we decided to make our first feature film because horror was the only type of genre that you could make cheap movies and no one cared. Like you couldn't make a cheap drama. That would be too low budget.
No one would - drama's had to have good photography and well-known actors and stuff. And horror films, you could still make drive in movies back in those days. So that's what we did. And horror I appreciate now is one of the few genres that can wound the audience up and make them pay attention. I kind of like that. It's one of the few genres that can be very manipulative there.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from the line of a (Daniel Wilder). Sir, your line is now open.
(Daniel Wilder):Hey, (Bruce). How's it going today?
(Bruce Campbell):Good, (Daniel).
(Daniel Wilder):So I've always thought that Ash appeals to genre fans because he's sort of a societal outcast but he has one really specific skill set in his case fighting demons and I guess in horror fans I guess it could be writing or special effects or whatever. How do you feel that is? Do you think that is why the horror fans embrace Ash?
(Bruce Campbell):Yes, I think it's the correct assessment. Plus the fact that he has no special skill. He is not trained. He was not part of any government agency. Nothing. So I think when you watch him you go that could be me. The guy that works at 7-11. I mean I could do that. Why not? I'm sick over trained heroes. I'm really bored with that. Guys that are just ripped to shreds and, you know, full of skills. That's boring me. Give me the drive mechanic that picks up a weapon, you know. Now I'm interested. That's my hero.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from the line of Ms. (Laura Gallagher). Your line is open.
(Laura Gallagher):Hi. In Ash versus Evil Dead are there any advancements in special effects that you are grateful for that you did not have while shooting the film.
(Bruce Campbell):Well, we tried to keep the blood real. Digital blood is not effective. We had that in a couple of cases in this pilot. You know, we're not a big proponent of digitals. So the funny thing is we have better ways of delivering the blood but it doesn't make any of it easier or better. It just makes them better at hitting me. Their aim is better now. The chance of getting it right on the first take is better now.
We do a lot more testing. We've used anything from a seed spreader to a paint brush dipped in blood, you know, splattered it on us that way to a Hudson sprayer to a beer keg that converted to a pressurized basically a blood sprayer and then we had a cannon. So the good news the systems are all better but it doesn't make my life any easier. It makes it worse.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from the line of Mr. (Rob Delaro). The line is now open, sir.
(Rob Delaro):Hey, (Bruce). Good morning.
(Bruce Campbell):Good morning.
(Rob Delaro):Oh, man, it's so good to have you back. I just want to let you know that, man. This is like my Stars Wars.
(Bruce Campbell):That's funny that you say that. Ash versus Evil Dead and Stars Wars.

(Bruce Campbell):Yes, it's heartbreaking. Because, you know, you're used to the old man yelling at you. If somebody starts yelling at me, I'm like I'll punch you in the face, man. So there's definitely an adjustment. And we look we found a great set. The guys were really happy with the directors that we had. I have no complaints. So it's hard on everybody. It was me missing the old man and probably directors going, you know, what's with this guy. Because we had to figure everything out. But, you know, I feel I'm the voice of Ash so I can be at least a constant influence on the character.
Coordinator:Our next line comes from (Kristen Clark). Your line is open.
(Kristen Clark):Hi. Thank you so much for talking with us today.
(Bruce Campbell):It's my pleasure.
(Kristen Clark):Sir, can you talk a little bit about the ways that we're going to Ash fighting personal demons, you know, as well as literal ones within these series?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, if it was an hour show, we'd go into his past. Thank the heavens it's a half hour show so we're going to get into Ash and there will be enough about Ash that will make us want him to be our hero forever and ever for all times. And in order to do that, we have to humanize him a little bit. So I think we'll start see more of a leader with Ash -- a little more of actual hero qualities --- and, you know, the jerk stuff will still be there. Pure Ash. I mean you'll get that. But I mean this time around we're going to hopefully see a likely improved Ash. We'll see.
Coordinator:Once again to ask questions that will be pushing Star and then 1 on your touch phone. That will be Star and then 1 on your touch phone. Our next question comes from Mr. (Christopher Chain). Your line is now open.
(Christopher Chain):Hey. Big fan. I watched the pilot. My question is what are the modern day trends in horror do you wish to avoid in your show?
(Bruce Campbell):Torture forms. Just because it's a bore. I don't care one way or another about it. I don't want to rail too much about torture forms. It's just low grade film making. I would just like to focus on a variety of horror. I want to mess with people's minds. You want to startle them. You want to shock them. You want to disturb them. And you want to keep them on edge. Horror films are great. You can grab an audience by the scruff of their necks and force them to look at that screen. I think that's really cool.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from the line of (Mike Spring). Your line is open, sir.
(Mike Spring):Hi, (Bruce).
(Bruce Campbell):Greetings.
(Mike Spring):So what's been the biggest differences in filming Ash for a television series versus filming him in the motion picture world?
(Bruce Campbell):Speed is the number one only because you're on a TV base. And TV is a very efficient median. You get in, you get out. You do it. And I love TV. I love the pace of it because nothing gets stale. Making the other Evil Dead movies, they were great and very informative and very educational for all of us but they are tedious as hell. I think movies are tedious. So bring your big, thick book to work in a big Hollywood movie. But the TV pace will never let you get that bored. You know by lunchtime you've given little Billy his medicine back, kissed the girl and killed the bad guy.
Coordinator:We have a question from a line of Ms. (Shanna O'Neil). Your line is open.
(Shanna O'Neil):Hi, (Bruce).
(Bruce Campbell):Hey.
(Shanna O'Neil):So I wanted to ask I watched the first episode and one of the things I noticed is that Ash is very different between he's actually fighting and when he's just being Ash. And I'm wondering is that where that kind of comes from because I notice it as literally as a shift in personality. He goes from kind of bumbling, lovable kind of thing to badass. Tell me what that's about.
(Bruce Campbell):It's about contrast. You know I think with your characters you've got to do that. There's Mickey Mantle at the plate and Mickey Mantle out to drink with the boys. I don't know. I think its kind I think with characters - I heard a note from a director to an actor. This is related to me by a friend. And the director said I want you to be a different character in every scene. And the actor was astounding. What are you crazy? I'm only playing one character. His point was that there was so much depth to humans and each individual. So in order to come close to the complexity to the most boring average person, you'd have to play each scene as a completely different character to even start to see the glimpses of all the sides of a person or even a character. So even though I'm doing a cheesy horror series there is still some art to it.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from (Tony Collette). Your line is now open.
(Tony Collette):Hi, (Bruce). Good to talk to you again. It looks like from the pilot which I thoroughly enjoyed by the way. Nice piece of blood. It seems like because there are kind of where he is that this might be more of a road series a little bit maybe around Michigan or maybe beyond that too if you can comment on that.

Coordinator:We have one question coming from the line of (Richard Keller). Your line is now open, sir.
(Richard Keller):How are you, (Bruce)?
(Bruce Campbell):Greetings.
(Richard Keller):Good. Good. Now I was wondering the tone of the pilot its spot on. It really nails the original all three films really. I was wondering how much work you did on getting back to that tone.
(Bruce Campbell):We don't. What we do is we do whatever entertains us on the set. And that's really the bottom line. The tone meetings I think come after (Sam) leaves the directors and talks about it. But (Sam) and I never talk about films. He's the one that's like, you know, if you put the star of your show in a man girdle while playing sequence of the show. That takes balls for a director -- a writer or director -- to create that or do that with his character so, I challenge other directors. I'm like, I bet you can't be as daring as (Sam) as far as messing with the character and really showing their flaws -- their naked flaws.
Coordinator:We have a question coming from (Judith Ramer). Your line is now open.
(Judith Ramer):Yes. Hi, (Bruce).
(Bruce Campbell): Hi there.
(Judith Ramer):Hi. The huge variety of media and genres that you worked with from your responses it seems that it's more where you can delve into, where you can extend your creativity and just goes. That seems to be what draws you. But is there any particular genre and or media that does draw you a little more or that you might be interested in working in further?
(Bruce Campbell):Interesting question. It's funny. Yes, I go where the work is good. I had some people who represented me years ago who could not understand why I would go to Auckland, New Zealand into the southern hemisphere to work on the show Hercules and then on Xena and Jack of All Trades. They just couldn't understand it. It was a syndicated show. There's no network. They got no respect at all. No Emmys. No nothing. And I'm like you don't get it. You're not down there on the set with us. We can get away with murder. Murder. And we do. We take the script and we look at it and we see what we can do. We can work with the director, work with the other actors. If somebody has an idea, they do it. It's the most creative set I've ever been on. And the last time I checked as actors, that's what you're looking for is creativity. You're not looking for the Rolls Royce and, you know, the big fancy trailer. Those are supposed to be the byproducts of having fun and then getting good at what you do.
So, I'll chase that to the end of the Earth which is one of the main reasons when I was going to be Auckland, New Zealand for this show - I mean I have crew members that I know down there that I've known for 20 years. These people are extremely gifted at what they do and it makes our job easy because they make it look good and we make it look easy.
And it's only because now that I work with people that I know that make it so much better. You see them come out of their trailer, you're cracking jokes, you punch them in the arm, you know, you're messing with them when they're on camera trying to get them to break up. You know there' s a lot of work play involved. And that's a big appeal to it too. But other than that, the comedy. The comedy can lift your spirits.
Coordinator:We have another question coming from (Laura Gallagher). The line is now open.
(Laura Gallagher):Hi again. My question is about (Lucy Lawless). What was it like being reunited with her and what is her presence added to this show?
(Bruce Campbell):She's a badass. She's a great addition to the show. She can step in and do anything we need her to do which is spectacular. She's a great actress with an incredible amount of versatility. She can do comedy which is great and she can kick ass. So we're lucky, lucky, lucky. So I think you can look forward to her having an increasingly expanding role in this show and that's critical to me because I've always loved (Lucy). She was great when I worked with her on Xena and knowing that she was getting available. She wasn't available right away during this first season. So when she was, I was like her husband's (Rob Tapert) my partner. I said (Rob) you better sit down with your wife at dinner and you better lock this in. So, yes, it's important to get her back. We're really happy. Lucky.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from the line of Ms. (Ashley Baker). Your line is open.
(Ashley Baker):Hello.
(Bruce Campbell):Well.
(Ashley Baker):That's great. I like to hear that. So I have a few questions I guess. But the primary one is me being from Michigan I'm very ecstatic to see this show play out the way it has. And, well, I was wondering if there's going to be any if you will, you know, you talked about some Michigan spoiler if you will if there's going to be any really great ones like Flint or Detroit?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, I hope so. I hope that Michigan references will never end. Because if you're setting your show in Michigan, we're definitely going to have that. I want Ferndale. I want Royal Oak in there where I was born. But don't - you're going to see a whole lot of references in the show. I hold my hand like the map where I'm trying to talk to some guy about where something is. So, yes, it's all Michigan all the time.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from the line of Mr. (Daniel Wilder). The line is open, sir.
(Daniel Wilder):Hi, (Bruce). Back again. Have you had any desire to write or direct an episode of the series?

Coordinator:We have a question from (Chelsea Charatoi). Your line is now open.
(Chelsea Charatoi):Hi, (Bruce). I hope you're doing well today. (Sam Raimi) explained at the Comic-Con panel that other than his deed, Ash hasn't really grown in the last 30 years. But do you think during the course of this season, we'll get to see an evolution of his character?
(Bruce Campbell):Yes. And thanks for asking that. Because you have to. Ash is going to be, you know, he's always sort of a pronounced character and he's always going to have his quirks. But, yes, he has to be a leader. The other people in this show around him have to see something in him to make them to follow him on this quest. They obviously because of what's going to happen to them, they will have a personal stake in this well. So but, yes, Ash has to be a guy who you can actually sit down and reason with from time to time and try to convince him of something. Yes, there's a lot of decision making to be done and he will have to involve other people against his will.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from (Nick Buck). Your line is open.
(Nick Buck):(Bruce), how are you doing?
(Bruce Campbell):Grand.
(Nick Buck):I got the chance to watch the pilot episode and, holy shit, it was glorious. How do you think the fans will react once it's released on Halloween and was it complicated to get back in the mindset of Ash?
(Bruce Campbell):No, it's not complicated to get back in the mindset of Ash. It's difficult to get out of the bed the morning after you do a fight scene. My recuperative powers aren't as strong. What was the first part of your question? He can't hear me anymore; can he? Oh, fan reaction to coming out on Halloween. Well, you know, we did it for them so I hope they like it. It's got everything they've always demanded. So this time it's maybe done a little classier.
Coordinator:Our next question comes from Mr. (Sean Mobilehill). Your line is now open.
(Sean Mobilehill):Hey, (Bruce). Congrats on the show. It will win over fans because it won me over.
(Bruce Campbell):Okay. Good.
(Sean Mobilehill):I'm just wondering, I mean, are there already any talks about a season two because I just want more and more.
(Bruce Campbell):Well, the only hints that I would say that production has to prepare for the next season. Meaning you have to send the leases on warehouses and you have to get a writer's room going. So there are things that are taking place that would indicate that. But there's been no official announcement. But we haven't been stopped from doing the necessary press for another season. How's that for you?
Coordinator:Our next question comes from (Derek Anderson). Your line is now open.
(Derek Anderson):Hi, (Bruce).Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. I know that you mentioned that Ash, you know, he's no longer just by himself in the cabin. He has a pair of friends and companions and (Ray) and (Dana's) characters. I was just wondering what it's like to kind of share the blood splatter this time around with (Ray) and (Dana)?
(Bruce Campbell):I like it because now I only get a third of it. Now, they get part of it. Spread the love, man. Spread the blood around. And it was great to see them all being initiated. That was a wonderful experience to see the true horror and shock on their faces when they see that stuff. They just nail them. Right in your face. The reactions on each face. You could tell his expression was totally pissed. And it's great because it works perfectly for the scene. Because when they first get hit with the blood, none of us have to act because we're all like, oh my God, because you act just like you would.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Ash Hamilton). Your line is now open.
(Ash Hamilton):Hey, (Bruce). How are you doing?
(Bruce Campbell):Hi, (Ash).
(Ash Hamilton):It's interesting that the franchise has evolved through the comics and the games and the fan fiction and that it has definitely evolved the character of Ash. Was there any of that discussed before going into the series that the expectations from fans might be a little bit different?
(Bruce Campbell):No, I don't think the fan's expectations have changed from the basics. We will always give them the basic which is carnage, mayhem, some good one-liners, an unusual hero. I think part of the attraction that fans will continue to like is that he's a good guy. He might be an idiot but he's a good guy and he's always going to try to do the right thing against ridiculous odds.
Coordinator:Our question comes from (Kyle Wilson). The line is now open.
(Kyle Wilson):Hey, (Bruce). Now to talk to you. I wanted to talk about the scale of the rest of season one. Because in Evil Dead, you guys are all trapped in a cabin. This time you're out in sort of the free world. It seems to be hinting the Deadites are going to be a more global or at least national scale. Can you talk a little bit about the overall threats?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, I don't think it's one of these situations where it's like World War Z or something like that. No, I think this is something more like local regional at least for right now. But it's definitely a threat and it's definitely coming from one area. It's definitely near where Ash was.
Coordinator:We have a question from the line of (Risa Dryer). The line is open.
(Risa Dryer):Hi, (Bruce). We get to talk to you again.
(Bruce Campbell):Indeed.
(Risa Dryer):So the first episode captured that great balance of horror and comedy from the films. I was wondering if you're going to keep with that balance or if we're going to see more episodes that are more horror scenic and more serious or ones that are more completely slap sticky or is the balance going to be more maintained?
(Bruce Campbell):I think we're going to keep a pretty good balance. It's a horror show where we do take the horror seriously. So a fan of only horror I don't think will be insulted by our approach of horror. We take it very seriously and hopefully we'll give them some good stuff to freak out about. The comedy for me let's everybody know that wink this is ultimately entertainment. For me, it takes the creepiness out a little bit because it's still over the top. But it becomes nothing that you can see on the six o'clock news. That's what has always appealed to me about this approach.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Adam Monroe). Your line is open.
(Adam Monroe):Hi, (Bruce). Thanks for taking the time today.
(Bruce Campbell):You bet.
(Adam Monroe):Over the years I imagine you've probably been approached by any number of writers with all kinds of ideas for Ash and the Evil Dead. For years, there was the Ash versus Freddy versus Jason rumor floating around. Can you talk about maybe a few of the things some of the more crazy ideas that people pitched you about the Evil Dead that you're probably much happier to have done this TV show instead of?
(Bruce Campbell):Oh, yes. I mean this TV show - look the good news here is none of us are tormented about doing some bastardized version of the show or the movie. This is going to be as true to form as possible with the kind of man the whole approach. First part of your question though, can we patch him back in for a second?
Coordinator:One moment second, sir. Mr. (Monroe), your line is open again.
(Adam Monroe):Hey, I'm back.
(Bruce Campbell):Yes, just clarify your first part there.
(Adam Monroe):Yes, my question is I know you've probably seen we've gotten video games and comic books and I imagine. Can you talk about a little bit about the crazier Evil Dead ideas you've been pitched over the years?
(Bruce Campbell):It was mostly the one was a conversation with New Line about doing Ash versus Jason versus Freddy. And I was interested because I wanted to kill them both but we were informed that no one is killing anybody and we would only have control over what happens to the Ash character. We couldn't control the story. We couldn't control what Ash does to anybody else. I'm like this sounds really not creative. So I'm so glad that we're back to this again because we can finally do it right.
Coordinator:We have a question from the line of Mr. (Rob Delaro). Your line is now open.
(Rob Delaro):Hey, good to talk to you again, (Bruce). My question was in the Army of Darkness uncut version you've got a love scene where it's very passionate and the silk sheets and all this. And this Ash gives a woman a piece of Ash in the bathroom. How was awful for that scene to shoot for you at all if there was any awkwardness?
(Bruce Campbell):Awkward? Sex scenes are always awkward. I don't dig them. But it works either comedic or story effect. In this case, we used it trigger a story point so I didn't have a problem with it, because it wasn't completely random. It was actually leading up to something.
Coordinator:We have a question from (John Espinosa). Your line is now open.
(John Espinosa):Hey, (Bruce). So you're basically the cause and solution of all of his problems. What do you think makes him so prolific to audiences.
(Bruce Campbell):Because he's just like you. We make our own problems every time. Everything that we complain about is something we can solve. So that's why I think Ash is universal because it's like looking into the mirror.
Coordinator:We have (John Longley). The line is open.
(John Longley):Hi, (Bruce). Thanks for time for us today.
(Bruce Campbell):You bet.
(John Longley):I was wondering first of all the pilot was just amazing. What I really noticed was in that scene with the doll was very much like almost the scene with your hand from Evil Dead 2. I was wondering how it was acting with, you know, that was going to be CG rather than, you know, in Evil Dead you actually had a hand, messing around, you were holding it, hitting it and all that kind of stuff because it was, you know, your hand. What was the difference there?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, everything. You have a physical thing and something ethereal in another case. It's all acting so it doesn't really matter whether you’re fighting with your actual hand or fake hand. It's all fake. So the level of fakery doesn't go up or down. It's all fake. Like where does the music come. Whenever I get something about logic question I go, where does the music come from in the movies? There's never any answer.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Laura Dengrove). Your line is open.
(Laura Dengrove):Hi, (Bruce). How are you?
(Bruce Campbell):I'm A okay.
(Laura Dengrove):This is a real honor to talk to you. I just wanted to let you know Evil Dead is like my dream come true. It' just that whole film is perfect.
(Bruce Campbell):Now who dragged you into though?
(Laura Dengrove):Well, my actually family. I have an Evil Dead family. It's kind of been passed down to all of us.
(Bruce Campbell):Okay.
(Laura Dengrove):So it's real staple in the family.
(Bruce Campbell):Okay. Well, give them all my fondest regards.
(Laura Dengrove):Oh, I shall. So I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things in some (Sam's) other films are the cameos that you do. There's usually funniest parts of the films to me. I'm just wondering, (Sam) has done cameos at Evil Dead. I'm wondering if we can expect any cameos from him at all throughout the season?
(Bruce Campbell):Oh, cameos from (Sam)? Oh my God, I don't think so. (Sam) is more like (Howard Hughes) these days. (Sam) is Oz the great and powerful, you know, hiding behind the curtains. He just wants to work his magic back in a mysterious way.
Coordinator:We have a question on (Krisha Plalica). The line is now open.
(Krisha Plalica):Hi again.
(Bruce Campbell):Howdy. And by the way for all journalists that can hear, if you've spoken to me before don't feel obliged to say courtesies. You can just fire up your next question.
(Krisha Plalica):Okay. Firing it up. I really like the supporting the cast. I wondered how they were going to do against you. And the chemistry with you and (Ray Santiago) is really great. And I'm wondering how long it took to find him and what it's like working together the two of you because you two are wonderful on screen?
(Bruce Campbell):You never know. You never know until you audition. So as executive producer, I pick my battles in what I get involved in. And one of them is casting because I know I'm going to be stuck on a set with those people. So we went through a lot of rigorous stuff. We had to make sure these people were healthy and rigorous and had a lot of patience and could deal with a lot of special effects -- a lot of just difficult, uncomfortable film making.
So (Ray) I thought we got fortunate with. He's got a spectacular way about him. He's got a great mug and sweet guy. And so I think I hope my hope is to go to conventions and with those guys and watch them get swamped. That would be the greatest joy of mine is to watch (Dana) and (Ray) and (Jill Marie Jones) go to these conventions and be tormented. It would make me very happy.
Coordinator:We have a question from the line of (Mitchell Long). Your line is now open.
(Mitchell Long):Hey, (Bruce). Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us today. Huge honor.
(Bruce Campbell):No worries.
(Mitchell Long):I'm really glad you mentioned working as an executive producer on Ash versus Evil Dead. I'm curious what are some of the challenges as well as benefits of assuming multiple roles in a project.
(Bruce Campbell):Well, the challenge is it just takes up more of your life. But the benefits are you can control more of what your output is and try to make it something you're happy about. And sometimes it's just you don't really have an input. I was in this position on Burn Notice and I knew they never really had to listen to me. So when I made suggestions they were always happy, they were very friendly.
And I would send them to the executive producer knowing that I didn't expect anything. In this case, it's a little more, it goes beyond suggestion. You know it's more like, let's do this and do that. But I have two great partners (Rob Tapert) and (Sam Raimi) and we never really hit an impasse because we have three people. If anyone ever wants a partnership, go in with three people. You'll never hit an impasse.
Coordinator:We have a question from the line of Mr. (Anthony Krogas). The line is open.
(Anthony Krogas):Hello, Mr. (Campbell). How are you, sir?
(Bruce Campbell):I'm fine and dandy.
(Anthony Krogas):Good to know. Good to know. I wanted to ask the show is only a half hour show. Why isn't it an hour long drama? Curious. An hour long show?
(Bruce Campbell):Because then it would be boring.
(Anthony Krogas):Oh, okay.
(Bruce Campbell):And not what we wanted and not a comedy. A half hour is the only format that gives us the pace that we need and the tone that we need and I think it's perfect for a modern audience. I don't know if we need a ponderant Ash. We need a quick witted fast moving Ash.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Dana Ancrobmie). Your line is open.
(Dana Ancrobmie):Yes, hi. Thank you. I was wondering you've been with Ash on and off for several years now. What personally would you like to change about his character on the series from which we see on the movies as he grows, evolves and change?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, I don't want to get too ethereal about it. There's not a whole lot I want to change. He's just becoming more of a leader. More of a guy that's going to, you know, inspire people and you know he's going to be like a teacher, educator, kind of mentor tormentor. So there will be a little more of that. You know kind of an Ash figure to some of the characters in the film between (Dana) and (Ray). You’re going to have a little bit of that, like an uncle father type. So that's what I'm looking forward to.
Coordinator:We have question from (Christopher Chain). Your line is now open.
(Christopher Chain):What is some of the fan reaction been like since you've been promoting Asher versus the Evil Dead?
(Bruce Campbell):They're like it's about time. I mean there really, they're not angry but they're like okay, finally. I think they're really resolved. They're like okay. I think they feel like they've marched. Their years of tormenting us have finally paid off. And I think they're actually satisfied that it's as close to the real thing as you're going to get of putting the original elements back together again.
Coordinator:We have one from the line from (Christopher Hermanez). Your line is open.
(Christopher Hermanez):Okay. I was also wondering as the show starts off, you're in a trailer just as you were in My Name is Ruth. So what's the deal with the trailer?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, that's your own parallel. One is a movie and one is just Ash. But trailers are typifying at least in people's minds low budget situations. And that was the goal there. So I wouldn't draw too much into it.
Coordinator:We have a question from the line of (Mark Rivera). Your line is now open.
(Mark Rivera):I was surprised to see that Ash still has the Necronomicon in his possession after all he's been through. Will we find out why he had it? Did he have a choice in a flashback? And also is this season self-contained in case there's not a second season?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, every show that's designed as a TV show has to be designed for multiple seasons. It will feel contained. I think you will feel very satisfied by the end of the season, but there's no question about it. It's designed for more. And as far as the Necronomicon, I wouldn't get too much into why Ash did or didn't have the book. I think it's an Ash thing not to do anything, to chuck it away. He tried to burn it and it didn't work anyway.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Derek Anderson). Your line is open.
(Derek Anderson):Ash versus the Evil Dead has the perfect feel for Halloween. And I was just wondering are there any favorite horror movies that you like to watch around this time of year?
(Bruce Campbell):I like the original Exorcist. The very first one done by (William Friedkin). It's just so well done. It's a professionally made movie but it's really, really disturbing. And (Linda Blair) is just off the charts great.
Coordinator:We have (Simon Larocke). Go ahead, your line is open.
(Simon Larocke):After completing your first film, you know, after the first film, did you guys expect to get this big? And the second part of that question is why now instead of like ten years ago that you decided to produce this show?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, no one can expect anything to happen. The film industry, the entertainment industry. It's always, you never know what's going to happen next. So, no -- no one had any idea. We didn't think we were going to finish the stupid movie. It took at least three years to finish the movie. Second part. That was the second part. Let's go back. Patch me in. Don't ask two part questions, reporters, because I'm going to forget the second part. Just ask a single question. It will be a lot easier on all of us.
Coordinator:Your line is back open, Mr. (Larocke).
(Simon Larocke):Why not let's say ten years for this show.
(Bruce Campbell):Well, because I think TV finally caught up to us. TV until you had these premium services where there were not worried about content our show wouldn't have worked. It wouldn't work as a TV show. This show would not work on cable. And this show would totally not work on broadcast. The only way it worked under these circumstances which are now. Plus we realized economically making a $200 million feature was not the answer here. If you want to entertain people continuously with Ash, it's got to be in a form of a TV show.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Tony Collette). Your line is now open.
(Tony Collette):(Bruce), speaking of the nepinoncon it just seems like with the show you have the opportunity to expand upon the mythology of it and to kind of expand what kind of creatures Ash will face. Is that going to happen in season one?
(Bruce Campbell):Well, absolutely. You know it's not like we're going to have a creature of the week but Ash is going to need many new demons and entities and forces he had not encountered before. That's the cool thing of doing a weekly TV show. You can hit him with a bunch of demons.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Chelsea Proboti).
(Chelsea Proboti): Hi, (Bruce).
(Bruce Campbell):Hey.
(Chelsea Proboti):Do you think Ash has ever used his chainsaw for yard work and what do you think the recipe is for the perfect Evil Dead episode?
(Bruce Campbell):Well the recipe is the right mix. It's like baking a cake. You know if you use baking powder instead of baking soda, it's a disaster. So in our case if our floor gets a little dark, we can lighten with a little humor. And if we get a little loopy, we can hit it with some horror, you know? But pace and a sense of fun is also very important too.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Tony Simms). Your line is open.
(Tony Simms):Hey, (Bruce). If you could expand on another character that you played, who would that be? Would you expand Briscoe, Ace, Boomer, Fantail. Who would that be?
(Bruce Campbell):I would expand Briscoe for sure. Because you know every actor wants to be a cowboy. That was a great year. It was one pretty much solid year of being a cowboy and promoting and doing this stuff. If I never did it again, I'd be okay with it because it was a very fulfilling year, very hard working year. But I wouldn't mind going back to that. He was a good character. He was really fun. It's probably the closest to an actual good guy like a real heroic type who hopefully, you know, was smart enough to be interesting.
Coordinator:We have a question from (Ash Hamilton). Your line is now open.
(Ash Hamilton):Yes, you know looking at the first episode we see Ash trolling for some last call ass and just happened to grab some magnum condoms. Was that your personal contribution to the beginning of the episode?
(Bruce Campbell):No, mine was that he was going to take two condoms. He goes to take one condom, he thinks about it and he goes, no, I think I might need two. It might be a two condom night. The magnum is what it is.
Coordinator:We have a question for (Laura Gallagher). Your line is open.
(Laura Gallagher):Hi. Are you like Ash in every way?
(Bruce Campbell):Oh, dear God. Every actor is going to have a little of something of them in any character they play. Any actor says they crawl inside their role and disappear they're not telling the truth. I think what you do is with a character you take the worst sides of yourself and you amplify them or you take the best sides of yourself and you amplify them or you kind of mix it all around. Yes, there's going to be a little bit of Ash in me and a little bit of me in him. No way to get around it.
Coordinator:We'll be taking our last question from Mr. (Travis Dale).
(Travis Dale):(Bruce), it raises the stakes when there is something for the hero to lose. Is Ash going to have a significant love interest in the series or is he going to be satisfied with having two condom sex with the strange?
(Bruce Campbell):You're going to see. Ash considers himself an aging Lazarus. He's not giving up on that. You're going to see a little something-something from the old man.
Coordinator:That was our last question.
(Moderator):Thanks everybody for joining the call. I said in the beginning we will be sending around a transcript after the call today and this the conclusion with our conference call with (Bruce Campbell).
(Bruce Campbell):And thank you very much for all of you fine journalist for your time and attention. We appreciate it. We need your support. Some of our fans. Some of you don't know anything about that series. Hopefully, you can find out and enjoy it. This is for the fans. It's for the fans.
Coordinator:Thank you. And that concludes today's conference call. Thank you very much for participation. You may now disconnect.