A character originally created and seen on Jackass and the subsequent movies, Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa actually has more in common with Borat than it does Jackass in that outside of the closing credits, the fourth wall is not broken as is the case with the gonzo style of Jackass. This is Irving Zisman's story with Candid Camera like bits sprinkled throughout, but never does Knoxville look into the camera and break character. This is a film where if you know too much, the experience will be ruined so I am keeping this short by stating, so long as you know this is a semi scripted film with Knoxville playing a character throughout then there's definitely some laugh out loud moments. However some may prefer the short bits featuring the character in the Jackass movies over a feature length film starring the character. The film is dedicated to Ryan Dunn. Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa is in theaters now from Paramount Pictures and has a running time of approximately 96 minutes.
(C) Copyright 2013 By Mark Rivera
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