Based on the hit movie franchise from Blumhouse Productions, THE PURGE revolves around a 12-hour period when all crime, including murder, is legal. Set in an altered America ruled by a totalitarian political party, the series follows several seemingly unrelated characters living in a small city. As the clock winds down, each character is forced to reckon with their past as they discover how far they will go to survive the night.
THE PURGE “What Is America?”– 10/9c *SERIES PREMIERE*
Purge Commencement looms. Several characters find themselves venturing into the chaos of the night.
WYNONNA EARP “Waiting Forever For You” – 9/8c
It’s Date Night in Purgatory, which means Dressing Up, Drinking, and Fighting Demons, as a formidable former foe stalks the gang.
KILLJOYS “It Takes A Pillage” – 10/9c
In what has to be the worst family reunion, D’av, John, their father Marris and Jaq find themselves pinned by a silica storm in the family bunker as they fight off Hullen operatives hell bent on capturing Jaq for The Lady. Dutch risks her life in order to uncover the secrets of the spore.