Tempe, Ariz., January 27, 2023, After a successful 2022 campaign, Todd McFarlane is showing that his record-breaking character SPAWN is far from slowing down with the release of a NEW mini-series. Spawn: Unwanted Violence is a standalone two-part series written by Todd McFarlane with impressive artwork by Mike Del Mundo. Vol. 1 of the series was released on January 11th being met with high fan praise.
McFarlane touches on several social justice issues in the series as Spawn finds himself in the middle of a peaceful protest, that is beginning to escalate. Vol. 1 ends with a shocking escalation of events that forces Spawn to take matters into his own hands.
Vol. 2 wastes no time jumping back into the the story as Simmons witnesses the social injustice that this country is facing, and is forced to take action.
"As the force used by the police against Al Simmons continues to escalate to surprising levels, the Freak gets closer to discovering the information he was sent to find."
The visually-stunning art by Del Mundo perfectly encapsulates the dark and disillusioned story that sees Spawn thrust into the forefront of what constitutes good and evil.
Spawn: Unwanted Violence Vol.2 hits shelves onFebruary 22! Make sure to pick up Vol. 1 if you haven't already & order your copy of Vol. 2 TODAY!
SPAWN has been the hottest current title in recent memory, usurping Marvel and DC to become the best-selling comic of the lat TWO YEARS and has continued to live up to high expectations. McFarlane and Del Mundo are not letting off the gas in this new storyline that will be sure to capture audiences attention with captivating artwork and fresh storylines.
See Below for a SNEAK PEEK of some interior art for VOL. 2
Spawn: Unwanted Violence Vol. 2 will be available at comic book shops (48 pages, full color, rated: Teen+, $4.99, premium cover stock) and on digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play in February 2023.   
Todd McFarlane's SPAWN is one of the world's best-selling comic books, with hundreds of millions sold worldwide in more than 120 countries. The title's 1992 debut sold 1.7 million copies, an unprecedented feat for an independent comic. In 2019, McFarlane made history with "SPAWN #300" and record-breaking "SPAWN #301". The release of which earned the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for the world's "Longest-running Creator-owned Superhero Comic Book Series.” |
ABOUT SPAWN, LEGENDARY ARTISTS AND SPAWN CREATOR AND IMAGE COMICS PRESIDENT, TODD MCFARLANE Todd McFarlane's Spawn is one of the world's best-selling and longest-running monthly comic books, with several hundred million copies sold worldwide in more than 120 countries. McFarlane's new title, SPAWN'S UNIVERSE #1, is Image Comics' top-selling first issue of the 21st Century. IMAGE COMICS is one of the largest comics publisher in North American and McFarlane is the co-founder and president. In August 2021, the newest Spawn Universe title King Spawn #1 sales numbers demolished The Avenger's record and became a 25-year record-breaking new superhero monthly title launch. McFarlane's Spawn made history with the release of the historic Spawn #300, and Spawn #301 has earned the Guinness World Records title for the longest-running creator-owned superhero comic book series in the world. The road to McFarlane's history-making comic run began in 1992 when he co-founded Image Comics and the released Spawn #1, still the single-best-selling issue all-time for any creator-owned comic. The comic became an Emmy Award-winning animated series on HBO and a live-action feature film grossing more than $100 million. In addition, McFarlane became a true comic book superstar for his record-setting work on Marvel Comics' Spider-Man franchise and held the world's record for most sales of a superhero book written and drawn by the same person, with Spider-Man #1published by Marvel in the '90s. He co-created Marvel's top villain Venom, appearing in multiple titles and a successful movie for Sony's film division. After garnishing prominent success in the comic industry, McFarlane founded the international award-winning McFarlane Toys, one of America's top action figure manufacturers. In 2020, the new release of a Spawn figure on Kickstarter set a new Kickstarter record, in its category, for raising just under $3.5 million in 30 days. Spawn and all related characters and elements © & ™ TMP
Image Comics is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded in 1992 by a collective of bestselling artists. Image has since gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the United States. Image currently has six individuals on the Board of Directors: Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, Jim Valentino, and Eric Stephenson. It consists of five major houses: Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline Comics, Skybound Entertainment, and Image Central. Image publishes comics and graphic novels in nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable. It offers science fiction, fantasy, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor, and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. For more information, visit www.imagecomics.com.