Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Unfortunately I have suffered a side effect from Covid I never even heard of until now.

The effects of long term Covid have materialized in me despite having gotten over the virus right before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I have a strange side effect that has affected the hearing in my left ear and I am taking medication with the hope that I will recover from the excruciating pain this side effect has caused. As a result of this once again, I’m going to have to take a break from posting any new content. I hope you will understand and I apologize. Hopefully this treatment that I’m getting now will enable me to get back on the saddle sooner rather than later. But at this time I have to focus on my health because of the fact that it’s possible that I could go deaf in one ear if I don’t take this seriously and properly. So I will be back soon. Any prayers or good thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.