This is the first time I have made a video such as this and while you can hear my voice and the credit read Narrated and Written by Mark A. Rivera, I actually just winged it after watching the film several times since I first came across it a week or two ago. This was all new to me as far as recording a voice over after choosing the pieces from the film. The mic needs a bit of adjustment, but never the less I don’t think this was a bad first run and hopefully I will get better because channels evolve and I have thought about creating more original content for this channel, beginning with a study of select public domain films in the library here as well as studies in camera movement and the visual language of cinema, which itself continues to evolve here on YouTube. The equipment used to make this video is strictly entry level, but in case your curious the video was edited using iMovie on an iPad 10 point 2 inch Retina Display running the latest version of iPad OS with an Apple Keyboard cover, a Mercase USB Professional Condenser Microphone model number BM-6 and Sony Compact Folding Earphones MDR-7X110. A link to the full Frankenstein (1910) video is below. Thank you for watching.
(C) Copyright 2023 By Mark A. Rivera
All Rights Reserved.