Sunday, April 1, 2018

It's Easter so let's talk about dogs.

It's Easter so let's talk about dogs.
I love Richard Adam's "Watership Down" and the cartoon that was made from it. They could do a photo realistic version today. Anyway, in a rare occurrence, Adams' other famous novel, "The Plague Dogs," which was also made into an animated film, is a case of where the cinematic version is closer to the original manuscript than the actual book that inspired it. Adam's editor convinced Adams to change and create a happy ending for "The Plague Dogs.' 

The animated feature version of "Watership Down" was a success and so the filmmakers then produced an animated picture based on "The Plague Dogs." Adams had the filmmakers use the original ending from his manuscript, which is ambiguous compared to the more definitive happy ending. So the film "The Plague Dogs" is a rare cases where the movie is closer to the Author's original vision than the book that inspire it. People sometimes forget that visions don't require pictures. Words do the same and often more. 
As an aside: The late Actor John Hurt voiced the protagonist for both movies too.

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