THE REALITY OF TRUTH is a just-released controversial, feature length documentary that follows Mike “Zappy” Zapolin and his friends, including Michelle Rodriguez (Avatar, The Fast and the Furious), currently shooting The Fast and the Furious 8. They go on a worldwide search for ancient wisdom technology hidden in nature for centuries, that could be used for today’s problems including violence, eco-destruction, depression, and addiction. Guided by Deepak Chopra, the group of “Psychenauts” (Sailors of the Mind) explore meditation, breathing, and natural plants as gateways to transcend inside their minds for answers and healing. Along the way the group discovers that some of the secrets they discover are truly some of the answers that society needs, and they attempt to share the information despite suppression by governments, religious institutions, and corporations. Intermittently during their journey they meet with Deepak to talk about what they have experienced and how to best integrate it into their lives. The group also sought insight and guidance from top thought leaders, celebrities, and high profile individuals of all faiths including Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Joel Osteen, Marianne Williamson, Ram Dass, Transcendental Meditation leader Dr. John Hagelin, Dr. Michael Beckwith, bestselling author Dr. Norman Rosenthal, Bruce H. Lipton, Foster Gamble, Mark Victor Hansen, Peter Coyote, Gerard Powell, founder of Rythmia Life Advancement Center, Marcus and Joni Lamb, with input from other notables like David Lynch.
The Reality of Truth offers the viewer a front row seat on an around the world exploration of how people, groups and entire cultures tap into an alternative “true reality” through spirituality, meditation, and plant medicine, referencing their importance throughout history. Driven by Einstein’s statement, “You can’t solve a problem using the same thinking or consciousness that got you into the situation,” the group seeks to have the “direct experience” personally to expand each of their individual consciousness and determine if there is something that could change society’s collective consciousness.
Deepak Chopra says, “There is no such thing as hallucinations…we become one with the source.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar goes on to say, “What we see is only a small piece of the true reality.”
It is shown in the film how the group got together regularly to talk about how they integrated their experiences into their lives, dealing with stardom and success, as well as pain and loss. Michelle Rodriguez shares how her training played into her view of her life. After using the medicinal plant Ayahuasca in Peru, she revealed, “It brought the destruction of everything I’ve ever known….I had an awakening.” She feels that her new awareness helped her to cope with the loss of close friend, actor Paul Walker. Michelle’s transformation is open and evident throughout the course of the film, availing her to new personal and career pursuits.
The film captures the culture and energy of some of the most spiritual places on earth including Maui, Peru, Costa Rica, and even Fairfield, Iowa. In Costa Rica, Rythmia Life Advancement Center is featured as an example of the effectiveness of alternative modalities on both spiritual and physical enlightenment. The filmmakers and their guests explore many myths about reality and address their personal experiences with spirituality and transcendence. The awareness created by the film worldwide is meant to break through the “illusion of reality” and allow viewers to move forward toward a more meaningful and peaceful future.
Throughout history, human beings have searched for gateways to spirituality that have included meditation, prayer, and natural substances. The Judeo Christian religious tenets and values, Vedic and Shamanistic traditions all incorporate techniques focused on transcending. Today scientists are able to measure the effects, real and perceived, on the human brain and mind. For instance, it is cited that "Veterans showed a 50% reduction of PTSD symptoms after just eight weeks of Transcendental Meditation practice" (Military Medicine) and "Prisoners participating in the TM program were 33% less likely to return to prison" (Journal of Offender Rehabilitation). Experiments done at Harvard in the past suggest that 60% of alcoholics could break their addiction immediately using ancient wisdom techniques.
Large groups of people live free of violence, judgment and hatred, focusing within and choosing to find their similarities and respecting their differences. One of the aspirations of this film is to alert people to the tools available to help to accomplish those goals.
The film was directed by Mike “Zappy” Zapolin and Laurent Levy, produced by Adam Singer, former Head of Acquisitions for ContentFilm (Thank You for Smoking) and producer of feature documentaries (Free Wheels East). The supervising editor was Kurt Engfehr (Bowling for Columbine), and the film was edited by Luis Robledo. Michelle Rodriguez is a producer of this passion project.